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Datometry Documentation

Create a Network Load Balancer

In a production environment, two redundant Hyper-Q instances in conjunction with a load balancer provide high-availability and fault-tolerance. Google Cloud provides several different load balancer options. For Hyper-Q, you must use either an external or internal TCP/UDP load balancer. To learn about the different load balancers, and how to create and configure one for use with Hyper-Q, see the following articles in the Google Cloud documentation:

To learn more about load balancing and best practices to improve the efficiency, reliability, and availability of your service, see Managing Load in the The Site Reliability Workbook by Google.

The following procedure summarizes how to configure a Google Cloud load balancer for use with Hyper-Q VM. Refer to the Google Cloud documentation for information specific to the type of load balancer you are using for your deployment.

  1. Specify the following values for the backend configuration of the Hyper-Q load balancer.



    TCP Load Balancing

    Specify TCP Load Balancing.


    The name of the template you specified. For example: dtm-hyper-q

    Region and Zone

    Select your preferred region and zone.


    Select the existing instance group you created in the previous procedure. For example: dtm-hyper-q

  2. Specify the following values for the frontend IP and port configuration of the Hyper-Q load balancer.



    Name (Optional)

    Enter a name to identify the fronted IP and port number configuration.

    Network Service Tier

    Select Premium.


    Select Create IP address.


    Choose port 1025, the default port for all existing Teradata clients.

    IMPORTANT: Configure the Google Cloud firewall to allow access to Hyper-Q on port 1025. For more information, see Google Cloud firewalls.

    If you manage network components outside of Google Cloud that are between your Teradata clients and Hyper-Q, you may need to configure those firewalls to allow access on port 1025.

  3. Perform a health check on the load balancer to confirm clients can connect to the Hyper-Q VMs. To learn how to perform a health check, see Creating health checks in the Google Cloud documentation.

    Specify the following configuration values for the health check.







    Unhealthy threshold


    Check interval

    15 seconds

  4. Review the health check results and confirm the load balancer is performing properly.