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Datometry Documentation

Configure Hyper-Q for Use with Google BigQuery

The configuration parameters for Hyper-Q are in the file /opt/datometry/config/dtm.ini. Modify the following lines to configure Hyper-Q for use with the BigQuery environment.

Note: All string values on the left-hand side of an assignment in the dtm.ini configuration file must be enclosed in double quotes. For example: "DTM_MDS_USER".

For an example of a dtm.ini configuration file, see Example Hyper-Q Configuration File for Google BigQuery.

  1. As super user, log in as the dtm user.

    $ sudo su -dtm

  2. Open the /opt/datometry/config/dtm.ini configuration file in a text editor.

  3. In the [endpoints] section, locate the line below and replace bigquery_project_id with your BigQuery project ID.

    "endpoint".database = bigquery_project_id

  4. In the [gateways] section, locate the line below and replace bigquery_project_id with your BigQuery project ID.

    "gateway".gpc_project_id = bigquery_project_id

  5. In the [metadata_stores] section, locate the lines below and replace bigquery_project_id, bigquery_username, and bigquery_user_password with the name of your Google Cloud BigQuery project ID, and the username and password to be used to access Metadata Store.

    "mdstore".database = bigquery_project_id
    "mdstore".user = bigquery_username
    "mdstore".password = bigquery_user_password