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Datometry Documentation

Example Hyper-Q Configuration File for Google BigQuery

You specify configuration parameters for Hyper-Q using the dtm.ini file, which is located in the directory /opt/datometry/config. The following is an example of the dtm.ini filed used to configure Hyper-Q for Google BigQuery.

Placeholder Name

Replacement Value


Name of the project ID


User ID for Metadata Store access


Password for the Metadata Store user

version = "3.41.0"


"endpoint".port = 1025
"endpoint".database = "bigquery_project_id"
"endpoint".type = teradata"endpoint".version = "160000"
"endpoint".is_case_sensitive = false
"endpoint".spill_dir = "/tmp" ;location to store large result sets


"gateway".name = "gateway_bigquery" ;specified by customer
"gateway".is_odbc_gateway = true
"gateway".connection_string = "Driver=/opt/simba/googlebigqueryodbc/lib/64/;OAuthMechanism=0;KeyFilePath=/my-path/to-key/account.json;Catalog=bigquery_project_id;Email=my-email;UseNativeQuery=1;SQLDialect=1;"
"gateway".host = ""
"gateway".port = 1234
"gateway".tls = prefer
"gateway".ipv = 4
"gateway".type = bigquery
"gateway".version = "010000"
"gateway".default_schema = "public"
"gateway".temp_table_schema = "dtm_temp"
"gateway".auth_backend = "bigquery_oauth" ;specified by customer
"gateway".gcp_project_id = "bigquery_project_id" ;specified by customer
"gateway".parallel_conversion_available_memory_size = 3200MB
"gateway".max_tdf_rows = 1000000


"mdstore".mdstore_workers = 8
"mdstore".name = "MDSTORE"
"mdstore".gateway = "gateway_bigquery"
"mdstore".user = "” ;specified by customer
"mdstore".password = "bigquery_user_password" ;specified by customer
"mdstore".database = "bigquery_project_id" ;specified by customer
"mdstore".mdstore_schema = "__DTM_MDSTORE"
"mdstore".mdstore_table = "MDSTORE_TBL"
"mdstore".mdstore_worktable = "MDSTORE_WRKTBL"


"pool".gateway = ["gateway_bigquery"]
"pool".name = "pool_bigquery"
"pool".backlog = 10
"pool".capacity = 1000
"pool".active = 1000
;"pool".tx_sync = shared


"policy".protocol = all
"policy".database = all
"policy".user = all
"policy".ip = ""
"policy".ip_prefix = 0
"policy".pool = "pool_bigquery"
"policy".auth_method = passthru

"general_setting".memory_limit = 2GB